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Stop. Reset. Rebuild.

Writer's picture: iMPAK Journalist TeamiMPAK Journalist Team

Months of lockdown may cause us to feel that our progress has been stagnant. But perhaps without realising, we may have experienced more growth than we expect. Sometimes, to stop and observe is a necessary step towards sustainable growth.

This pandemic has offered lessons and experiences far more valuable than the convenience of online communications. It has taught us that perhaps it may be necessary to stop, slow down, and recalibrate for a sustainable growth.

The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was first detected in late 2019, before eventually spreading around March 2020. The rapid infection resulted in countries taking measures to contain the virus. National lockdowns, travel restrictions, and local restrictions were applied across the globe. Streets were empty, schools were closed, people who needed to travel were in a race with restriction measures, we ran out of toilet paper, some were traveling in hazmat suits; it was chaotic. Everyone had little clue what happened, what to do, and what was going to happen.

Fast forward, we eventually adapted. Lockdowns and restrictions may have caused some negative externalities, but it has also generated positive ones. More virtual meetings were scheduled, online training sessions were organised, and in short, we had more time. For some, this meant less time spent on traffic, and more time to play puzzles with their family. Maybe for another, this meant more meeting conferences and projects that could be finished. Perhaps for your neighbor, it may mean that they finally have the time to start their culinary business. These stories may just be an example that perhaps it is necessary to just stop, reset and take a look around us, and see what we can rebuild.

But of course, these measures have its consequences. Economic turmoil, for example. The Economist reported that China had a 2.3% GDP growth in 2020, China’s slowest growth for approximately the past 40 years. But this may not be considered slow given the pandemic. Some countries were reluctant in providing strict measures stemming from fears of economic downturn. But the loose lockdown policies led to multiple periods of ‘on and off lockdowns’. More uncertainty, longer period of lockdown, students continue to study online, and so forth. Strict approach may have its flaws, but loose measures are not doing the economy any good either. Countries that are successful in containing the virus tend to have stricter measures. Credits may be given to China’s authoritative policies that were efficient in containing the spread of Coronavirus. The virus was contained, then economic activity resumed, and China began to rebuild its economy. The focus here isn’t about authoritative or democratic approaches. It is on acknowledging that slowing down or stopping may be necessary for long-term sustainable growth.

Now we see countries rolling out vaccines. People are doing swab tests regularly. We see places like Australia and New Zealand where they no longer impose restrictions. But we also see places like the United Kingdom, where the new strain of coronavirus had led to a ‘lockdown 3.0’. Knowing from previous experience, this caused many to question what is really going to happen. Especially with whispers of ‘Disease X’.

One may question why there are so many emerging diseases; Coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2), the 2009 Swine Flu (H1N1), Ebola, MERS-CoV, Zika, ‘Disease X’, and so forth. Adelaida Sarukhan, from Barcelona Institute for Global Health, recently published an article discussing ‘disease X’ and the new strain of Coronavirus. Sarukhan wrote that these viruses weren’t exactly ‘new’. It is because these viruses have recently been discovered infecting humans. Most viruses can already be found in nature, mostly in animal reservoirs, from long ago. And with human activity mostly interfering with ecological balance, unfortunately the infection of various diseases seems inevitable. Sam Kiley, Ingrid Formanek and Ivana Kottasová from CNN World reported the research that the rise of viruses and new diseases are mainly caused by ecological damage. As their habitats are destroyed, animals migrate closer to human populations (or perhaps, it may also be the other way around), and this is when animals infect humans with diseases.

Now, I believe we can apply lessons from lockdowns and China’s economic rebounce towards pandemics and the environment as a whole. Maybe it is a necessary step for us to slow down. Allow some time to rethink methods of production and ways of living that reduces destruction of ecological balance. After all, to have a sustainable environment is to reduce the likelihood of disease transmission. There may be some consequences to these changes; economic setbacks, additional production costs, and so forth. Just like countries with stringent lockdown measures. But perhaps, in the long run this becomes the sustainable solution where we are able to better preserve the state of our earth. Improving the environment may lead to better quality of air and less natural disasters like flooding and landslides to name a few. In return, humans are better able to resume their activities in an environment with better quality, and transmission of unknown diseases are less of a threat than today. Maybe then, we will see more growth.

Sustainable growth isn’t the race to the top; it's the challenge to consistently progress at any speed under various circumstances. To take careful measures, to recalibrate, and take on new approaches whenever we face new challenges. Even if stopping is part of it.

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